The most fashionable hair color of 2023 - "Viva Magenta"

Every year, the color institute Pantone announces the color of the year, which it selects based on global trends. The most fashionable color of the year 2023 has been chosen - "Viva Magenta"!

What does this color represent?

The shade of this color symbolizes strength, energy and vigor. The color promotes positive thinking, the ability to experiment, express yourself and reveal yourself.

The Viva Magenta color speaks of our ability to empathize with others. It gives us the reassurance and motivation we need to face long-term challenges – the color envelops us in both power and pleasure.

Viva Magenta and Hair:

This color speaks of our desire to take new decisions, challenges, so if your life requires changes and you need courage - dye your hair this color! "Viva Magenta" is especially good not only on all hair, but also on the tips.

Viva Magenta and outfit:

If you feel energetic - wear more "Viva Magenta" colored clothes and accessories.

If you want a "calmer" outfit - choose smaller accessories in Viva Magenta color and combine them with clothes in light gray or pastel shades.

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