Ayurveda advises how to care for the skin of the face and body in winter

During the cold season, especially in winter, we face various factors that can negatively affect the skin of our face and body: cold, wind, humidity and a very common factor in Lithuania - temperature change.

In response to these factors, the skin begins to itch, dry, turn red, etc

Considering the skin problems of the cold season, Ayurveda advises:

  • The skin is not only moisturized, but also nourished. Moisturizers should be used as needed, and nourishing creams should be applied when you plan to spend more time outdoors, as nourishing creams contain more active ingredients that protect the skin from sudden dehydration.
  • Even on a clear winter day, we must take care of protection against UV rays, because snow reflects the sun's rays as well as possible.
  • In winter, we often encounter flaking or dryness of the skin, so it is necessary to exfoliate the skin. Exfoliation removes dead skin cells, so the skin can better absorb moisturizers and nutrients. Products penetrate the skin more easily.
  • It is recommended to wash the skin with warm water, not hot. Hot water breaks down the natural moisturizing mantle covering the skin, resulting in dryness, flaking and redness.
  • Winter is the best time to choose oilier body care products enriched with almond, shea butter, and jojoba oils.

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