What is your skin type according to Ayurveda?

Ayurveda encourages self-discovery based on individual needs. This science reveals the interconnectedness of the skin, all the elements and vital processes of your body: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Ayurveda understands the person as a whole and seeks to restore the balance and harmony of the person. The great sages of the Himalayas first developed the concept of the five basic elements from their observation of nature, and from that the three dosha system: vata, pitta and kapha.

About the system of three doshas: vata, pitta and kapha

VATA, PITTA and KAPHA are the basic life forces, the combination of which forms the birth of the universe and the individual type of constitution of each person. The name of the dosha comes from the word "Dushanat" which means "impurity". However, this term should not be taken in a negative sense, since the doshas, ​​or metabolic substances, give life to the psychosomatic structure of man.

The three doshas are formed by the five elements – MAHABUTA (Space – Air – Fire – Water – Earth). A balance of doshas leads to harmony and good health, while an imbalance disrupts order and causes disease. This is the first sign that the body and mind have lost harmony.

Discover your facial skin type, according to Ayurveda

Cotton wool skin type:
  • Skin - dry, has small facial skin pores, sometimes can have skin cracks;
  • The fatty layer is thin, so facial skin wrinkles may appear early;
  • Loves the sun and tans without redness;
  • This skin type should be abundantly moisturized and nourished.
Pitta skin type:
  • Skin – sensitive, quickly reddened, prone to oiliness in the T-zone of the face;
  • May have moles, pigment spots, skin rashes or acne;
  • Sensitive to the sun and tans quickly. However, the tan is often red and painful;
  • This skin type should avoid heat and humidity, and the skin should be toned and cooled frequently. Responsibly choose products that do not irritate the skin of the face.
Kapha skin type:
  • Skin - thick, pale, prone to oiliness and sometimes mixed. Has enlarged facial skin pores;
  • Exclusivity, because it can look youthful even in old age;
  • Loves the sun and heat;
  • Deeper cleansing of the skin is beneficial.

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