Hair brush: Do you know everything about this daily hair care tool?

Instead of blaming genetics for not giving you strong, thick hair, honestly answer, have you done everything to make it radiate health and beauty? Even such seemingly insignificant details, such as a hair brush , are of great importance for the condition of the hair and scalp. What should you consider when choosing this product that is essential for daily hair care? Can you comb wet hair? When is it time to change your hairbrush? These are just some of the questions, the discussion of which, we hope, will be useful for you.

Hair brush | Beauty chest

How often should you brush your hair?

One of the daily routine tasks that almost everyone does is combing their hair in the morning, whether they are preparing to go to work or staying at home. For those lucky enough to have smooth, manageable hair (or maybe just not too picky about their appearance), a couple of flicks with a brush is all it takes. Meanwhile, owners of unruly hair or those who want to enjoy a more sophisticated hairstyle often have to use additional hair styling products , such as volumizing foam or strong fixation hairspray.

If, for example, your hair is blown by the wind or your hairstyle is messed up by a headdress, you probably grab a comb and "set" your hair in place. However, have you ever thought that combing is a process that is not only necessary for the formation of hairstyles, but also has a real impact on their condition? According to experts, you should comb your hair at least twice a day, ideally more often.

By combing more than twice a day, the oily layer of the scalp is evenly distributed, thus effectively reducing the risk of hair drying. According to some hair care professionals, this routine can also help promote hair growth. Equally important is the fact that you can put a sign of equality between frequent hair combing and their beautiful, health-radiating hair appearance.

Of course, in order for hair combing to be useful, it is necessary not only to do this step correctly, but also to choose the right comb or brush. Before discussing this topic in more detail, we will remind you that when combing your hair or your children's hair, you should start from the ends of the hair, and only then comb normally, that is, from the top of the head down. This hair combing technique prevents hair from being pulled out or otherwise damaged.

Hair brushes with natural or artificial bristles: which option to choose?

Although some hair care professionals say that preference should be given to hairbrushes with natural bristles, don't be too quick to "write off" artificial bristle brushes. Both options have their own advantages and serve a specific purpose when choosing quality hairbrushes.

The bristles made of artificial materials are resistant to high temperatures, the hair slides easily without picking them. Perfect for drying hair (for example, the Tangle Teezer hair brush for drying is one of the most popular choices among our customers), combing.

When deciding to buy brushes with artificial bristles, you should use observation. Choose brushes with bristle tips that are molded from the same material, rather than glued on. If the bristle head comes loose, you risk scalp injury or you may have to say goodbye to the hairbrush sooner than you planned.

Brushes with natural bristles, perfect for smooth, dry hair, do not electrify them, effectively remove various dirt and dust. True, if your hair is thick, prone to frizz and frizz, using this type of brush is not recommended.

Which hair brush to choose | Beauty chest

Hair type is one of the main factors when choosing a hair brush

It is of course possible to occasionally lend your hairbrush to a friend for a night out, but these hair care products should not be constantly shared even with the closest family members. And not only for hygiene. One of the most important factors that should be taken into account when choosing a brush is the type of hair, so what is ideal for your hair, sister, mother or significant other may not be the right choice at all.

Boasting long, thick, dense hair? It is easier to deal with this, although enviable, but often difficult to manage hair, a wide brush will help. The wider the hair brush, the easier it is to comb thick hair.

Your hair is long but thin? Hairbrushes with denser bristles, whether synthetic or natural, are the best choice.

If you have long, dense curls, you should choose a flat brush. Hair brushes of this model are usually more massive, comfortably combing a larger area of ​​the head.

Children's hair brush: how to choose?

Naturally, all parents want the best for their children. Starting with a responsible approach to the health of the offspring and ending with such seemingly practical details as, for example, a high-quality hair brush or comb. Using the wrong hairbrush risks not only damaging the child's fragile hair, but also causing negative attitudes towards this hygiene and beauty ritual in the offspring. It's enough to accidentally brush your hair or touch your scalp once while combing your hair, and look, daily hair combing will be almost like an exorcism scene...

To ensure your peace of mind and, most importantly, the well-being of your child, you need very little: just choose the right hairbrush. When the child's hair is short and sparse, a sparse comb is completely sufficient. As your hair grows, it's time to look for a hair brush. The main rule when choosing this is the type of the child's hair and the problems encountered while caring for it.

  • If the child's hair is very thin, choose a soft brush with dense bristles.
  • If, on the contrary, the hair is dense and tends to curl, brushes with blunt, single bristles are recommended.
  • The best hairbrush for frizzy hair is one with thinner bristles. Such a brush will not scratch the hair and will not cause additional discomfort to the baby.

When choosing a children's hairbrush, preference should be given to natural bristles. They are softer, not sharp, so the chance of damaging the hair or irritating the scalp is much lower.

When teaching self-reliance, one of the lessons should also focus on proper hair brushing. Choose the right brush (ideally, not only suitable for combing the child's hair, but also with an attractive design), learn the correct combing technique (first - the tips of the hair, then - combing the hair from top to bottom). This way, this ritual will become pleasant for the child, and you will have one more free minute, which you really deserve.

Combing wet hair: convicted or acquitted?

Experts recommend combing wet hair as rarely as possible, in order to avoid hair damage or even hair breakage. Especially when it comes to weak, brittle, worn-out (for example, due to permanent bleaching) hair.

What to do if you still have to comb wet hair? If possible, wait until these are at least 50-60% dry. For this procedure, it is not recommended to use a regular brush, chosen according to the current condition of the hair, but a special hair drying brush , which does not scratch or damage the hair. And the cavities in the structure effectively pass the air coming from the dryer, so you will enjoy dry hair and the hairstyle you want even faster.

Signs that it's time to buy a new hairbrush

A brush is a hair care product that doesn't have a "best before..." label on it. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is not uncommon to see the need to purchase a new brush, unless the old one, as sometimes happens, is covering the ground.

Experts advise to replace the hair brush with a new one at least once a year, and ideally every six months. Of course, depending on the intensity of use, and the quality of the item itself, this new beauty tool may be needed earlier, for example, if you notice that the bristles of the old brush are bent or broken.

I wonder why a hairbrush is not something to be attached to for a long time? If the brush is used for too long, various dirt accumulates on it, which, when combing, also settles on the hair, promoting its difficulty, more intensive greasing, electrification or even cracking.

From the wide range of hair brushes and other hair care products offered in our online store, you will definitely choose the product you need!

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