Let's take a closer look: dry hair shampoo and scalp scrubs

Professional hair products sold in the Beauty chest online store can meet the needs of customers, which, depending on the condition of the hair and sometimes the circumstances, are often very different. For example, when you are in a hurry or physically unable to wash your hair, dry shampoo can be a real lifesaver. In the meantime, after devoting an hour to yourself, you should also find time to take care of your scalp, removing the accumulation of dead cells on it with a special scrub.

Hair Care | Beauty chest

This time, dry hair shampoo and scalp scrubs will receive the most attention - seemingly radically different (one is designed to achieve quick results, the other, on the contrary, nurtures hair from the inside) and, it should be noted, not everyone has tried hair products yet. How to properly use dry shampoo so that it does not harm the hair? Why scalp exfoliation is a procedure that should be performed regularly by everyone who cares about the beauty and health of their hair? These are just some of the questions we will answer in this article.

What is the function of dry hair shampoo?

Dry shampoo is a cosmetic product in the form of powder, which, when sprayed on the hair, absorbs excess oil, removes unpleasant odors and gives a clean, fresh feeling. As this hair care product becomes more popular and the demands of consumers grow, manufacturers do not stand still and improve their products. We are happy that our customers can choose from dry shampoos made without sulfates, silicones, parabens and containing natural hair-nourishing ingredients.

Some dry shampoos ensure not only the cleanliness of the hair, but also perform the function of a conditioner or a hair styling agent (for example, a hairspray). Just a few sprays and, without washing with water and normal hair shampoo, your hair will look great in a few minutes!

Dry hair shampoo: convicted or acquitted?

Naturally, one may wonder why such busy modern women waste their time and wash their hair with ordinary shampoo while taking a shower or bath? Hair care specialists emphasize that dry shampoos are hair products that can be used occasionally, but by no means every day. Otherwise, by using dry shampoo too often, there is a risk that while enjoying beautiful hair here and now, long-term hair problems may be provoked.

After spraying dry shampoo on the head, a protective film is formed that prevents the scalp from making the hair greasy. It doesn't sound bad at all, but you need to understand that as fat and other impurities accumulate on the skin, the hair follicles become clogged in the long run. And this leads to a whole series of unpleasant consequences.

  • Hair growth slows down.
  • Hair loss intensifies, and worst of all, new hair does not grow in place of the lost hair.
  • Hair dries out, becomes rough.
  • Hair starts splitting and splitting.
  • Natural hair color fades.
  • The natural shine of the hair is lost.
  • Clogged scalp pores provoke the appearance of dandruff, pimples, and blackheads.
  • Certain skin conditions, such as eczema, can make symptoms worse.

How to use dry shampoo so that this hair care product does not damage the hair?

You've probably figured out that moderation is key when it comes to this hair care product. Dry shampoo should not be used more than a couple of days in a row, ideally no more than a few times a month. If, for example, you are planning to go to a music festival, you can also put a bottle of dry shampoo in your handbag. Of course, after carefully analyzing the composition of the product and choosing a product that corresponds to the condition of the hair.

Follow the tips below when using dry shampoo.

  • When spraying the shampoo, hold the bottle at least 10 cm away from the head.
  • After spraying the hair care product , rub it into the scalp with light massaging movements.
  • Use a towel to wipe the product residue from the hair, comb the hair thoroughly.

If you have skin diseases, an irritated or very dry scalp, using dry shampoo is not recommended.

Dry hair shampoo | Beauty chest

Scalp care is a prerequisite for enjoying healthy, beautiful hair

Exfoliating your scalp with special hair care products (homemade, of course!) is a process you should add to your list of regular beauty routines. And this is not a ploy by cosmetics manufacturers to boost sales and customers to fill their shelves with an ordinary product that will probably never be used. The need to exfoliate the scalp is dictated by natural processes occurring in our body.

As in the whole skin, so on the head, the process of cell regeneration (renewal) is constantly taking place, during which dead cells are pushed to the surface. Hair covering the head, less direct interaction of the scalp with the environment and greater activity of sebaceous glands means that it is much more difficult for dead cells to be removed. An obvious proof of this is dandruff, or an oily substance with a specific smell that forms on the surface of the head, which we can sometimes see on our fingers after running over the head.

What's more, this problem is exacerbated by the frequent use of leave-in hair products (for example, the dry shampoo we've already discussed), the wrong choice of hair cosmetics or not properly washing off its residues, and finally, polluted air.

If no measures are taken to remove dead cells (as you already understood, we are talking about scalp scrubbing) and other impurities, they stick together and become a barrier that prevents the necessary processes in the scalp that determine the aesthetics and health of the hair.

How to understand when scalp scrubbing is needed?

Oily hair roots, dandruff, loss of fluffiness and fresh, even just after washing, hair that does not smell (on the contrary, sometimes emitting an unpleasant smell). These are clear signs that instead of changing all the hair care products you use, you should do a scalp scrub.

It's true that if you don't notice alarm signals warning about hair condition problems, it doesn't mean that you don't need to scrub your head. On the contrary, it is a procedure that is necessary for everyone, regardless of age or gender, who wants to enjoy healthy and beautiful hair. Using a scrub activates blood circulation in the scalp, removes dead skin cells, cleans the follicles, and the hair bulbs receive more oxygen. It strengthens the hair and promotes its growth. It is no less important that after removing the dead layer of skin, other hair care products used will have a greater effect.

Peculiarities of scalp scrubbing

Instructions on how to use a specific scalp scrub are provided on the packaging of each product. Usually, after distributing the product evenly over the entire area of ​​the scalp, it is thoroughly rubbed in with massaging movements.

The frequency of scalp scrubbing depends on the condition of the hair. If you have normal hair, it is enough to do this procedure every 2-3 weeks. Meanwhile, for owners of oily hair - once a week.

After scrubbing your scalp, wash your head using your usual hair care products (shampoo, conditioner, balm or hair mask).

Scalp scrub is easy to make at home. It is suitable for products found in every kitchen (sugar, unrefined oil), and you will certainly find various recipes on the Internet. It is true that a common modern person is so busy that the intention to make one or another homemade cosmetic product, year after year, is added to the list of New Year's resolutions. A much simpler and faster solution is to simply buy a professional scalp scrub, which, like other hair care products, you can find in our online store www.beautychest.lt.

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