The ABCs of healthy and beautiful eyelashes

Didn't Mother Nature gift you with thick, long eyelashes, which, do you agree, are inseparable from an expressive, seductive look? One of the possible solutions that guarantees fast and effective results (of course, only after finding a specialist who knows his field) is eyelash extensions. However, it is a happy trend that more and more representatives of the fair sex, instead of following the most direct path, are looking for ways to take care of their eyelashes with their own efforts, to improve what is given by nature.

Eyelash serum

Proper eyelash care is not just a quality mascara. It is important to have a properly performed make-up removal ritual and regularly use an eyelash serum (for example, "Inveo", which promotes the regeneration and growth of fragile, weakened eyelashes). Natural eyelash strengthening products should not be forgotten. Of course, it's best when all the methods and sometimes little tricks are used together!

Eyelash care with natural means

Even if you have a regularly used eyelash serum in your cosmetics drawer that meets (and maybe even surpasses!) all expectations , you can pamper them additionally with natural remedies. Many products recommended for strengthening eyelashes can be found right in your kitchen. If you don't like one or another tool or, as often happens with "homemade" cosmetics, it gets "dirty", you can put it back in its place with peace of mind. Hence, no additional costs and self-reproaches.

  • One of the easiest ways to strengthen brittle, falling eyelashes, which can be combined with the use of a serum, is to simply apply almond, peach or simple sunflower oil to them.
  • If you want to enjoy shiny eyelashes, try a natural remedy made of horsetail or sea buckthorn oil enriched with a drop of vitamin D.
  • Too lazy to mix more than two ingredients? Then make eyelash nourishing balm! This product requires burdock and castor oil. A few drops of aloe vera juice and oil-based vitamin E should be added to their mixture (in equal parts). Apply this balm, for example, with a brush left over from old mascara, every night for at least a month.

If you treat your eyelashes regularly with the aforementioned natural remedies, the results can really be a pleasant surprise. True, it is important to note that cosmetics containing oil can irritate the eyes or clog pores. In order to avoid this, the products should not be applied from the roots themselves, but from the middle of the eyelashes, thus avoiding direct contact with the skin and eyes. Eyelash serum "Inveo" is designed in such a way that it does not cause the threat of the mentioned side effects. Apply this product directly to the lash line without fear of eye or skin irritation.

High-quality mascara is one of the necessary conditions for enjoying beautiful eyelashes

A frequent representative of the fairer sex, even with minimal decorative cosmetics, without a layer of mascara applied to the eyelashes, feels like ... naked. Indeed, just a few skillful movements of the hand with a mascara brush and the image in the mirror, pleasantly pleasing, changes dramatically. True, mascara, which has very close contact with the eyes, is a cosmetic product that should be chosen and used responsibly. Falling mascara and black under-eyes during the day are probably the least bad thing that can happen if you touch it. Low-quality mascara will not only not give the eyelashes a "wow" effect, but may even damage them, causing them to break and fall out. There is also a risk of eye irritation.

Like eyelash serum , mascara should be purchased after familiarizing yourself with the product's composition. Among the ingredients, look for silk extracts, vitamins A, C, E, B5, biotin, lanolin.

Mascara texture is an important indicator of the quality of this cosmetic product. Run the brush over your hand: a quality mascara will leave an even mark without any clumps.

Note when you opened the mascara package. Bacteria that irritate the skin around the eyes can accumulate in this cosmetic product, so the expiration date is a very important issue. It is recommended to replace the mascara with a new one at least every three months. If, however, you have forgotten, the suitability of the mascara is also perfectly hinted at by its smell. A high-quality, non-aging mascara has little or no fragrance at all. And, on the contrary, a strong smell is a clear alarm signal that calls for this remedy to be replaced by another.

Quality mascara

It is not only the technique of applying makeup that is important, but also the careful removal of it

There are still curious situations when women or girls who can boast of enviable makeup skills sometimes allow themselves to simply "forget" to remove cosmetics. Not only the face, but also the eyelashes must be cleaned thoroughly.

Soapy water is a bad solution, which can not only irritate the eyes, but also cause wrinkles to form or cause eyelashes to fall out. Therefore, the stocks of cosmetics should be replenished with a special makeup remover, the components of which would additionally soften and nourish the skin. Therefore, when buying even such a seemingly unimportant product, you need to carefully analyze its composition. If you are using a waterproof mascara, make sure your cleanser is suitable.

The skin around the eyes is very sensitive. So pay attention to whether your usual make-up removal technique is correct. Make-up should be cleaned gently, without pressing or stretching the skin. Place a cotton pad moistened with the cleaner on your eyelashes and hold for a few minutes. Repeat the procedure a couple more times: that's it - your eyelashes are clean. Inveo eyelash serum or other eyelash conditioning product of your choice can now be applied .

Eyelashes, like skin, need a "vacation" from time to time. It is ideal if you do not use any mascara or other decorative cosmetics at least once a week. This is also a great opportunity to enjoy your natural beauty and evaluate the effect of the eyelash serum or natural eyelash care products.

A few tricks that allow you to enjoy more beautiful eyelashes here and now

Of course, neither the highest quality eyelash growth promoting serum nor eyelash pampering with natural means will bring drastic changes "here and now". However, if genetics has spared you "wow" eyelashes, and extensions are not an acceptable alternative for you personally, you can occasionally use a few tricks that make your eyelashes, at least for a short time, "more" in all respects - thicker, denser, longer. In a word - more beautiful!

  • If you want to visually thicken thin, rare eyelashes, first put a little loose powder on them and only then use mascara.
  • To achieve a stunning (in a good way!) eye effect, one mascara may not be enough. Get two types of mascaras - lengthening and thickening. First, apply a layer of lengthening, then thickening mascara. Believe me, the difference will be obvious!
  • It's not just about the mascara you choose, it's also about how you use it. It is recommended to start painting eyelashes from the roots and, using circular movements, travel towards their tips.
  • An eyelash curler is a visually quite intimidating looking device, but after a little practice, it is safe to use at home, not just on rare occasions when you visit a beautician's office. If you want to enjoy the effect of curled eyelashes all day without the risk of damaging them, remember the most important rule. The curler can only be used on clean, cleaned eyelashes that are not covered with mascara in any way. Otherwise, such a beauty procedure can have sad consequences - provoking the breakage of eyelashes.

You can buy your desired eyelash serum, mascara or other decorative cosmetics simply online by visiting our online store

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